Project 3 Inventory of Notes: Method

Chapter 1

  • EmerAgency as Theoria: form of consultancy between the arts and tourism. Uses information to participate in public problem solving. Attracts visitors and uses pedagogy to infer a certain point or to teach about a subject (disaster, mood, value)
  • Popcycle: Circulation of ideas and memes through all institutions. Are circulated differently in different spheres (family, entertainment, school, career).
  • Instruction: MemeMorial represents the American Psyche, a symptom of American values or society that is portrayed through an electracy monument

Chapter 2

  • Peripheral Monuments: the peripheral established a connection between the unacknowledged but lived value of the loss in the private sphere. MemeMorial acknowledges a community value, creates an analogy for the visitors that adds to their tourist practice the status of theoria (witness).
  • Problem Accident: Public discussion is fixed on the events, not the frame of them or figuring out the cause.
  • Instruction: Focus not on case by case basis, but rather on the repeating disaster as a whole. One may use a specific event as a jumping off point, but it is only one event out of the many that have occurred, and will continue to occur.

Chapter 3

  • MemeMorials are brought by the image, not the event. Egency uses image to invoke a feeling about ourselves, our society. Apply an electrate mode of knowledge to the dilemmas of modern society
  • Reasoneon: How does image reasoning affect our audience?
  • Instruction: Event MemeMorial is commemorating was not experienced directly. Somehow conjoin our intellectual knowledge of disaster with our emotional response.

Chapter 4

  • Emblem: indicates how event testifies with respect to the disaster: Drawing moral truths from historical events. Effect produced when virtual images combine with virtual realities.
  • Machinic Assemblage: a set of documents that reflect what will set off the punctum (feeling of significance, or feeling or defense)
  • Instruction: the image of the emblem plays a great role in the MemeMorial. What image is chosen will have a tremendous affect on the punctum, and therefore what sort of message is being relayed.

Chapter 5

  • Purpose of MemeMorial: Highlight discovery of blindness towards an issue. Emblem = value. What is being sacrificed and why? Why are some losses collectively recognized, while others aren’t?
  • Kindertotenlieder: notice a loss in a community that is not accepted as a sacrifice of some other value.
  • Instruction: Audience must be familiar with context of the symbols used (cultural literacy). Otherwise emblem won’t be noticed, or understood

Chapter 6

  • Egency: an institutionalized entity created to organize the Memorial  program within a virtual consultancy. Internet is a living monument, gives collective consultation.
  • MeMorial is not text, it is felt. Connection between the event, and the value (the Y).

Chapter 7

  • Emblem of a MeMorial: learn from advertising, a painless way to get the information that you need (or emotion, in this case?)
  • From topic to chora: learning how an image gathers un-related items into a meaningful set. A chora gathers information at the level of image by means of repetition of signifiers. The accumulation of signifiers expresses a mood.


  • MeMorial: does not commemorate disaster directly, rather notices the abject sacrifice on behalf on an unrecognized value. Values are often contradictory.
  • Syncretism: uses commemoration to exceed the impasses revealed in disasters.

Carter & Arroyo

  • Tubing: Youtube and videos as a form of participation. Engaging and enjoyable
  • Learning process through creation and sharing, participatory culture through social remix.
  • For the MeMorial: We want the emblem to be remixed and redistributed.

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