

Divorced parents = time split between father and mother

Two separate families, both different values and ideals (it became up to me to chose which ones to adopt as my own)

Father=strict, Mother=loving

Different family outings, fun events. My brother as teammate

Mood: Nostalgic, happy. Complicated dealing with two different families, always a sort of dark, weird aspect about parts that I didn’t understand.


Discipline: Strange public school, same kids in every class

Plays and music, not strict on academics.

Changing of schools and the changing of values

Academics become a priority, then secondary. Finally learn who I want to be in school

College, get good enough grades, classes that do not interest me (learn to work)



Party atmosphere at Boulder, arrogance, loudness, risk, thoughtless

Dealing with status quo and my own ideal (not a match?)

Finding like minded people, similar interests.



Money, good looks, confidence.

Those on TV have those above mentioned traits, is that real life?

This is the cultural problem that the media creates

Public problem? Unrealistic expectations formed, media is not like real life.

Mood expressed is that of arrogance and happiness. Results, sex, money.

Community? Love? Family? sometimes depicted, often skewed.


This as is unrealistic for many. Creates false hopes/dreams. Not everyone can be rich (public problem that media doesn’t solve).

Observation: There exists a learning curve. Hard to have regrets, all mistakes breed lessons. Even with more wisdom, does it help? What’s the point, will still live in a pretty fucked up world. Is it worth the trouble to be enlightened?



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