post 11

As I mentioned earlier, the Deepwater Horizon spill dumped 4.9 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico.

4.9 Million barrels, or…


1,160,755 trans-Atlantic flights




Provide gasoline for the entire U.S for 3 and a half months



Fuel 1000 of the largest container ships for about 90 days


post 12


And remember these guys?



They are probably full of iPad’s, or IBM computer chips, maybe Canon cameras, or Volcom jeans.



Unknown             Max-Couling-Front-Smith


Apple to ring in 71.5M iPhone sales in holiday quarter — analyst


Apple’s Sales Figures Prove A Sad Fact: There’s Still No PC As Desirable As A Mac

Mac sales make up just a tenth of Apple’s AAPL -1.59%revenue, but they’ve received a significant amount of attention following the company’s quarterly report yesterday, both from analysts and from the CEO Tim Cook himself.